Listening and Wondering

tmacterrymcneal Peculiar Musings from Terry

Sitting in the studio and listening to some random Celtic style instrumental music; flute, lyre. If you’re like me you use music as a transportation device. It can take you to another space and time; it changes your environment and can launch your creativity into a realm you may never have explored. At least that’s what it can do for me. I mostly listen to instrumental music (classical, movie scores, Celtic fantasy) when I am in a “writing mode”. In most areas of my life I am a fairly disciplined soul; i.e. diet, exercise, daily routine, completion of tasks and the like. However when the poetic muse hits me I enter into an altered state of reality. Don’t get me wrong I still adhere to and live up to my normal responsibilities but with a sense of wonderment. The best way to describe it is that it is as though I’m living in a movie script. I listen to instrumental music via ear buds and imagine my way through the day living the story of the poem/song I’m writing at the time. This is all going on inside my mind of course so people around me don’t have a clue. Or so I think. It can be really funny when I respond to someone’s question or conversation in the character of the protagonist of the story line I’m writing. Sometimes my friends just stare at me with a very quizzical look on their face and it snaps me back to reality. It’s quite funny. I can get silly and a little (a lot!) goofy but you know that’s just the way it is when you let your imagination take over your day. It’s very cathartic and I’ve learned to not take myself so seriously. It certainly makes for a more joyful life…just my thoughts…peace…tmac